
Lithium Polymer Battery Storage

There are abounding specific things that you can do to accomplish abiding LiPo accumulator that will extend the activity of your array pack. The accumulator adjustment of the packs apparently has the bigger aftereffect on assiduity their lifespan. A refrigerator is a acceptable abode to abundance your packs because it can be set to break amid 40 and 45 degrees; just be abiding to use a altered refrigerator area you don't abundance food. before you use or allegation the batteries, let the packs appear to allowance temperature. 

Never acquiesce a array to break anon in the sun or abreast addition calefaction source, as this will annihilate a array quickly. Just as calefaction is adverse to the pack, acceptance them to benumb will aswell accident them to the point area they are unusable.

Packs that abatement beneath 2.5 volts per corpuscle or die absolutely can be afflicted above adjustment and become unusable. If you do not accept a counterbalanced corpuscle you will eventually see them alluvion afar afterwards anniversary charging session. Instead, accept a 'storage charge' of 3.85 volts afore agreement the array in storage. Be abiding to never abundance absolved batteries for a continued aeon of time. 

Furthermore, burden from autumn a array that has been answerable because the beef will move and appear at altered rates, and the backpack will become unbalanced. This blazon of array corpuscle discharges at a constant amount and accept a bigger antithesis of ability during use. This will accord the corpuscle abundant voltage to be stored for continued periods of time, if needed. If the time is appropriate for the allegation and acquittal cycles to begin, the array backpack will activate the aeon in balance, and this will aftereffect in bigger performance.

Article source: http://agapowerrclipobattery.weebly.com/1/post/2014/03/lithium-polymer-battery-storage.html

